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About Us

About Us

Mosaic offers pharmaceutical companies an easy, powerful solution for commercial data operations

Using our unique No-Build data warehouse model with fully integrated, single source of truth customer master, we provide commercial data operations as a service for emerging to mid-sized pharma commercial operations teams.

The Mosaic Story

The Mosaic Story

We have a special relationship with our clients because, as the saying goes, we have walked a mile in their shoes. Before starting Mosaic, we spent many years working different roles in commercial pharma and consulting companies, big and small, including:

  • Sales and sales leadership
  • Marketing and market research
  • Sales operations
  • Data management
  • Customer master
  • Reporting
  • PBM management
  • Analytics
  • Forecasting
  • Sales force strategy and sizing
  • Incentive compensation
  • Field communications
  • CRM
  • Data architecture

Over the years we often considered how we might improve on the service and solutions available to us and our peers in the commercial pharma market. We launched Mosaic Solutions Group in 2010.

Time has proven there is a widespread, unmet need for the Mosaic Solution and with each engagement we continue to innovate our solutions to the benefit of existing and future clients.

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